Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Red Shirts and Guardian Angels

"The Five People You Meet In Heaven", a book by Mitch Albom ("Tuesdays With Morrie"), is about a man named Eddie who dies on his 83rd birthday while attempting to save a young girl who had fallen from a ride at the amusement pier. When he arrives at the pearly gates, there are 5 people there to meet him. Two of them he knew very well from his life on earth, one he knew on a more casual basis, and two of them he didn't know at all. But each one of them had something in common. They were there to escort Eddie through the gates of heaven because while they were living on earth, Eddie had done something that had a positive, life changing effect on their lives. And as a result, each one of them had made it to heaven.

Now the fact that Eddie had a positive influence on people that he knew is understandable. But what is interesting is that Eddie didn't even know two of the people; as far as he was concerned he had never met them while on earth. But he had. They were never introduced, they never said hello, but at a moment in time they simply crossed paths. And it was at that moment that some kind gesture...something that Eddie said or did without even thinking about it...had an impact that changed their life forever.

Amber's life was taken from her and the laughter she brought will never be replaced. To all the friends who give of their time to send out a message in her name, we will never know what impact that has...at least not while we are here on earth. But someday, as you approach the gates of heaven, don't be surprised if you are greeted by a group of people who are there to explain what impact your life on earth had on their own lives. And at that point, you will begin to understand what it was all about.